Welcome to the Price and Availability Assistant. You can use the tools on this page to check stock prices or bulk add products to your basket. To get started, please use one of the entry methods below.
Drag & Drop A Spreadsheet
Drag a file here (.xls, .xlsx, .csv, .txt) or Browse
 Helpful tips:
Drag and drop a .xls, .xlsx, .csv or .txt spreadsheet onto the blue box to get started. Up to 200 lines are supported.

Need a template file?
Click the link below to download Mouser's template spreadsheet:
Please select a format:
Mouser OR Mfr. Number | Qty. 1 | Qty. 2 | Qty. 3 (170-U069 | 40 | 25 | Qty. 3)
Mouser OR Mfr. Number | Customer Number | Qty. 1 | Qty. 2 | Qty. 3 (170-U069 | ABC123 | 40 | 25 | Qty. 3)
 Helpful tips:
  • Up to 200 lines are supported.
  • Only one product can be entered per line.
  • Delimiter should remain consistent and be a pipe (|), tab, or comma (,).
  • Do not include a pipe, tab, or comma in any part numbers.
  • Both manufacturer and Mouser part numbers are acceptable.
  • Customer part number is also acceptable.
  • Customer part number must be less than 22 characters.
  • If you do not specify a quantity, it will be defaulted to 1 (one).

Line Mouser OR Mfr. Number Customer No Qty. 1 Qty. 2 Qty. 3